What is ServSafe


A mindmap explaining what is ServSafe by outlining the main components covered in the ServSafe exam. Use this mind map to get a great overview of the ServSafe course. This will allow you to have a better understanding of the elements of what you need to learn to pass the ServSafe exam
Norman McBrien
Mind Map by Norman McBrien, updated more than 1 year ago
Norman McBrien
Created by Norman McBrien over 6 years ago

Resource summary

What is ServSafe
  1. Provide safe food
    1. Diseases transmitted by food, security guarantees, contamination, immune system, personal hygiene.
    2. The Microworld
      1. Microorganisms, toxins, pH, viruses, parasites, temperature risk, water activity, bacteria.
      2. Contamination, food allergens and foodborne diseases
        1. Biological contaminants, biological toxins, food safety, allergenic foods, chemical contaminants.
        2. Safe handling of food
          1. Gastrointestinal diseases, carriers, infected lesions, Hair restriction.
          2. Food safety training for employees.
            1. Need for training, objectives of training, evaluation, training plan.
            2. Food flow: buy and receive.
              1. Storage
                1. First exits, first entrances, refrigeration, freezing, dry storage.
                2. Preparation.
                  1. Minimum internal temperature, cold water baths.
                  2. Service.
                    1. Hot team cold equipment, bar, machines, protectors.
                    2. Food safety systems
                      1. Security system, critical control points, HACCP plan.
                      2. Sanitary facilities and equipment.
                        1. Porosity, resistance, drinking water, heaters, moldings.
                        2. Pest control
                          1. infestation, pesticides, smoke screens.
                          2. Regulation and quality standards
                            1. National marine services. regulations, health inspector.
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