German unification


A level History Mind Map on German unification, created by bobin27_ on 15/07/2013.
Mind Map by bobin27_, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by bobin27_ over 11 years ago

Resource summary

German unification
  1. Background.
    1. Confederation of the Rhine = German Bund
      1. 39 states
        1. Countries on the outside owned the territories on the inside
          1. France, Prussia, Austria
          2. Austria politically dominant in Bund
            1. Prussia economically dominant in Zollverein
            2. 1815 congress of vienna
            3. Prussia
                1. Location- cut in half with the bund inbetween
                2. Austria
                  1. The Zollverein
                    1. Prussia abolished internal customs, those who agreed joined zollverein
                      1. 1834 23 million lived within the Zollverein
                        1. Enter text here
                          1. growth of the railways further stimulated industries.
                        2. Prussia challenges Austria
                          1. Prussia wanted a federal union but german princes disagreed.
                            1. major win for austria
                              1. German Bund restored.
                              2. !854 Prussia is surging ahead economically
                                1. Vital resources were found within her territories
                                2. Prussia resists attempts by austria to bring bund into crimean war.
                                  1. 1861 growing feeling of nationalism, for a complete german state
                                    1. Who would be the leader of this german state?
                                      1. Prussia or Austria?
                                    2. between 1815-1848 these were the Vormarz years.
                                      1. liberallism
                                    3. Austria challenges Prussia
                                      1. Austria proposes the Zollunion
                                        1. this would be surrounded by protective tariffs
                                          1. Prussia was able to Export but relied on free trade as did other states witin zollverein
                                        2. Stage one; Creation of the north german confederation
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