First Language Acquisition.


Mind Map on First Language Acquisition., created by Florencia Vergara on 10/09/2018.
Florencia Vergara
Mind Map by Florencia Vergara, updated more than 1 year ago
Florencia Vergara
Created by Florencia Vergara about 6 years ago

Resource summary

First Language Acquisition.
  1. How the brain is divided
    1. Cerebellum
      1. Coordinates muscles movements
      2. Brain Sterm
        1. Automatic functions in our brain.
        2. Cerebellum
          1. Interpreting vision, touch, hearing and speech.
            1. Brain Damage
              1. APHASIA
                1. Broca's aphasia
          2. Left hemisphere
            1. Right hemisphere
              1. Lobes of the brain
                1. Frontal
                  1. Temporal
                    1. WERNICKE'S AREA
                    2. Parietal
                      1. Occipital
                      2. Lateralization
                  2. Perspectives
                    1. Behaviorist Perspective
                      1. Children imitate their parents in order to learn more words.
                      2. Innatist Perspective
                        1. Children are born with the capacity of acquire the language
                        2. Interactionist Perspective
                          1. Social Context situation
                            1. Non-verbal
                              1. Linguistics
                                1. Symbols
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