

leaving certificate biology revision
Mind Map by vicki.chihumura, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by vicki.chihumura about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. yeast:
    1. single celled fungus
      1. reproduce asexual by budding
        1. respire anaerobic to form ethanol and carbon dioxide
        2. reproduce by spores
          1. hetrotrophic
            1. can be parasites
              1. edible fungi e.g. mushroom are hard to distingust for poisonous deathcap
                1. economic
                  1. benefit
                    1. produces alcohol
                      1. mushrooms are edible
                      2. disadvantages
                        1. destroy food, crops and a wide range of other materials
                          1. can cause human, animal and plant diseases
                        2. rhizopus (bread mould) is a saprophyte. it has tubes of hypha(e) (forming visable mycelium) reproduce asexually by spores, reproduces sexually when nuclei from a different mycelia fuse to form zygospores. these remain dormant until conditions are suitable for growth
                          1. chitin cell walls and often consists of hyphae forming a mycelium
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