
Paige Denham
Mind Map by Paige Denham, updated more than 1 year ago
Paige Denham
Created by Paige Denham about 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. router
    1. network interface card
      1. switch
    2. LAN(local area network )
      1. devices connected over a small geographical area .
        1. ways to connect to a LAN
          1. ethernet
            1. wired connection
              1. electronic messages (email) can be sent between computers. the computers on the network can be centrally managed.
                1. disadvantages
                2. wifi
                  1. wireless connection
                    1. a fileserver can be used to store and share documents and files centrally.
                3. you can share peripherals like expensive laser printers.
                  1. hardware needed to connect your devices into a lan
                    1. ethernet cable
                      1. wireless access point (WAP)
                  2. disadvantages
                    1. WPAN
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