Surabhi Bhattarai


Mind Map on Surabhi Bhattarai, created by BHS7689 on 22/07/2013.
Mind Map by BHS7689, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by BHS7689 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Surabhi Bhattarai
  1. My mom: teaches me morals
    1. My dad: teaches me morals
    2. My school: teaches me the importance of knowledge
      1. Teachers: teach me knowledge and skills I will later use in life
      2. Usha: teaches me how to have fun and about nepali culture
        1. Gajani: teaches me how to be a leader and exposes me to hindu culture
          1. Ahmed: teaches me how to be devoted
            1. Affan: teaches me how to be an amazing writer
              1. Hussain: teaches me to be kind and try new things
                1. Soni: teaches me to value friends
                  1. Mehin: a friend I like to support
                    1. Puja: teaches me about Nepali culture
                      1. Saumya: supports me and inspires me to stay strong through the hardest times
                        1. My grandparents: expose me to hindusism and traditional values
                          1. Alejandro (volunteer coordinator): teaches me how to communicate with clients
                            1. Adnan (volunteer staff): teaches me how create a plan for impacts I want to make in the community
                              1. Shya: exposes me to the tamil culture and teeaches me to be conservative
                                1. Methilla: teaches me about tamil culture and gives me advice about life
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