A child with a stiff neck


Mind Map on A child with a stiff neck, created by Menna Emam on 26/09/2018.
Menna Emam
Mind Map by Menna Emam, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
fatima alkhateeb
Created by fatima alkhateeb over 6 years ago
Menna Emam
Copied by Menna Emam over 6 years ago

Resource summary

A child with a stiff neck
  1. Anatomy
    1. Skull
      1. CSF
        1. Secretion
          1. From the choroid plexus, which are found on the lateral ventricles, roof of the 3rd ventricle, and the 4th ventricle
          2. Absorption
            1. Absorbed from the superior sagittal sinus through the arachnoid villi
            2. Circulation
              1. Through the ventricular system
            3. Meninges
              1. Ventricular system
                1. Lateral ventricles
                  1. 3rd ventricle
                    1. 4th ventricle
                  2. Foramen of Monro
                    1. Cerebral Aqueduct
                      1. Central canal
                2. Meningitis
                  1. Pathology
                    1. 1. penetrate the blood-brain barrier
                      1. 2. endotoxin and inflammatory mediators
                        1. 3. leakage of protein and fluid out of the cerebral vasculature
                          1. 4. causing cerebral edema , increase intracranial pressure
                            1. 5. lead to a reduction in cerebral perfusion
                              1. 6. Brain death
                    2. Management
                      1. Newborn
                        1. Adult
                          1. Elderly
                            1. Ampicillin + vancomycin + 3rd generation cephalosporin
                            2. Vancomycin + 3rd generation cephalosporins
                            3. Ampicillin + 3rd generation cephalosporin + Aminoglycoside
                          2. Physical examinations
                            1. Neurological examinations
                              1. General inspection
                                1. Meningeal signs
                                  1. Kernig's sign
                                    1. Brudzinski's sign
                                  2. Vital signs
                                  3. Investigations
                                    1. Lumbar Puncture
                                      1. In Infants: L4-L5 interspace
                                        1. In Adults:  L3-L4 interspace
                                        2. Indications
                                          1. Anesthesia
                                            1. Therapeutic
                                              1. Injection of Drug (Antibiotic, Chemotherapy)
                                              2. Diagnostic
                                                1. Sample CSF (Infections, Cancers, Subarachnoid Hemorrhage, Neurologic Disorders)
                                                  1. Measure pressure
                                              3. Contra-indications
                                                1. Increased intracranial pressure
                                                  1. Infections at the level of insertion
                                                    1. Uncorrected Coagulopathy
                                                2. Complications
                                                  1. Severe headache
                                                    1. Hemorrhage
                                                      1. Back pain
                                              4. Signs and symptoms
                                                1. Fever
                                                  1. Headache
                                                    1. Neck stiffness
                                                      1. Photophobia
                                                2. Causes
                                                  1. Infectious
                                                    1. Bacterial
                                                      1. Neisseria Meningitidis
                                                        1. Listeria monocytogens
                                                          1. H.Influenza
                                                            1. Streptococcus agalactiae
                                                      2. Viral
                                                        1. Enterovirus
                                                          1. Cocxakie virus
                                                            1. Echovirus
                                                        2. Fungal
                                                          1. Cryptococcus newformans
                                                        3. Non-infectious
                                                          1. injury (head trauma), drugs and cancer
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