E-learning course - Professional Development


Mind Map on E-learning course - Professional Development, created by they.know.it.all on 26/10/2014.
Mind Map by they.know.it.all, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by they.know.it.all almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

E-learning course - Professional Development
  1. Major competencies the participants will acquire during the course
    1. be able to describe what professional development is
      1. be able to understand professional development as a process that consists of different phases
        1. be able to explain and to implement the important phases of staff development
          1. knowing and being able to use the evaluation methods concering staff development
            1. be able to work with presented cases
              1. be able to explain the different interventions that lead to higher competencies of the individal in the workplace
                1. being able to transfer the knowledge to real-life cases/problems
                2. Learning contents of the course
                  1. Objectives of staff development
                    1. Processes of staff development
                      1. Methods of staff development
                        1. mechanisms of actions in staff development
                          1. different evaluation methods
                          2. Teaching method
                            1. case based learning (multimedial
                              1. obligatory readings
                                1. script to every new topic (includes videos/powerpoint)
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                                Circulatory System
                                Maths Quiz
                                Andrea Leyden
                                Characteristics and Climate of a hot desert
                                Adam Collinge
                                German GCSE Vocab
                                Biology AQA 3.1.2 Proteins
                                Religious Language
                                Circle Theorems
                                I Turner
                                Psychology A1
                                Ellie Hughes
                                Biology B2.3
                                Jade Allatt
                                GCSE Maths Quiz: Ratio, Proportion & Measures
                                Andrea Leyden
                                Specific topic 7.5 Timber (Stock forms)
                                T Andrews