Battle Jacket uses


Year 9 Design and Technology Mind Map on Battle Jacket uses, created by Luke Mitchell on 01/10/2018.
Luke Mitchell
Mind Map by Luke Mitchell, updated more than 1 year ago
Luke Mitchell
Created by Luke Mitchell over 6 years ago

Resource summary

Battle Jacket uses
  1. Nasa
    1. The material could be used to patch up holes in a ship if something went wrong.
    2. Car Tyres
      1. The material could be used to stop a tyre having a blowout on a road at high speed saving lives.
      2. Plane parts
        1. This material could be used to protect planes. When a plane gets shot at, the material can repair the bodywork helping save the pilot.
        2. Bulletproof armour
          1. The material could be used to repair soldiers armour when they get shot. This would also help stop bleeding if they were shot.
          2. Vehicle bodies
            1. The material could be used to create self-healing car bodies. when a car crashes, the body would be able to repair itself.
            2. Roads
              1. The material could be used to make self-healing roads. These roads would repair themselves stopping potholes.
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