This would show the user everything related
to the network
This shows the hardrive
If the input has '/p' at the end, the
screen will pause at the end of
each screen to allow the user to
read it.
cd.. goes back one
cd\ goes back to the start (root)
When something is copied, it goes into RAM unless a destination is specified by user
* = anything
*.* = everything in folder is deleted permanently
Diagram of System Software
Utility Programs
Disk Defragmentation Tool
Disk Copier/Formatter
Disk Compression
Device Drivers
Graphics Card Driver
Network Interface Card Driver
System Software
Software that
controls a
Provides an interface
between user and the
Virtual Machine
Hides complexities of hardware from the user
Memory Management
The OS allocates memory between the
different programs that are open at the
Device Drivers
Gaming mouse, etc
OS specific and are
updated regularly
by companies
A piece of software that is
used to control a piece of
Peripheral management
Hardware not directly connected to the CPU
E.G. settings in Windows
File management
Needs the specific
track, sector and
surface address but
the user doesn't
know where they are
Utility Software
Maintains the computer or system
Form of data
compression in which
some original data is lost
menaing that the original
file can't be recreated
Form of data compression
in which no data is lost and
original file can be
Public key
Used to encrypt anything anyone wants to send to a person
Private key
Only the person who is the intended recipient can decrypt
Reducing the size of the file
by performing an algorithm
on the original data
Speeds the computer
It brings together all the
files that have been
saved and then edited
later on to one location
Backing up Data
We backup data that
has value. You nneed to
have a backup strategy
The backup strategy will include...
Who does it?
What data is being backed up?
How often?
Where is it saved to and where is that kept?
How is it restored?
How long will it take?
Hot start
Another office to replace the primary
office in event of a fire or natural disaster.
This allows them to just go to the new
building and upload the software
Cold start
Pay a share into a generic, shared office.
Recovery is slower than a hot start as you have
to upload programs as well as the software
and data. It also isn't necessarily set up in the
way the company would like it