Slavery in Texas


Mind Map on Slavery in Texas, created by Shannen Miller on 29/07/2013.
Shannen Miller
Mind Map by Shannen Miller, updated more than 1 year ago
Shannen Miller
Created by Shannen Miller about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Slavery in Texas
  1. Transportation
    1. Railroads(not a lot)
      1. Stage Coach
        1. Govern. mail contract
          1. Dangerous robberies
        2. Population
          1. Growing fast
          2. Land
            1. improved land
            2. Education
              1. Mostly Private
                1. Public schools w/ railroad interest Fail
                2. Religion
                  1. 1. Methodist 2. baptist 3. Prestbyterian
                  2. Coping with enslavement
                    1. Aesthetic
                      1. Gender
                        1. Work
                          1. religion
                            1. Family
                            2. women
                              1. domestication, obediant to man, religous, virgin
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