
macbeth project Mind Map on WAR, created by susanmortimer on 30/07/2013.
Mind Map by susanmortimer, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by susanmortimer over 11 years ago

Resource summary

  1. The different views people have about war today:
    1. It is unessecary and destructive
      1. innocent people get killed, disabled and injured
        1. families get torn apart and displaced from their homes
          1. Peopel suffer from lack of food, education, health care and resources
            1. enviroments get destroyed
      2. it is necessary to protect lands, homes and natrual resources
        1. it protects a people's cultures and religions from those who want a differnt set of belifes
          1. For example the ongoing war between Palestine and Israle or the disputes between Argintina and Britian over the Falkland Islands
        2. In countires like Syria and Eygpt today there are violent uprisings for pro democracy
          1. or between Nortn and Southern Ireland protestant and catholic
          2. some countries exploit a war for politcal or monetary gains
            1. arms sales
              1. humanitarian relife
            2. Wars can be fought to regain independence from a colonizing country
              1. some wars have been fought using protests and passive resistence such as the fight for indepence in India from britian lead by Ghandi
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