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Judaism, kind of, story thingy. Incomplete
Maryam Zafar
Mind Map by Maryam Zafar, updated more than 1 year ago
Maryam Zafar
Created by Maryam Zafar over 10 years ago
1 2 3 4 5 (0)

Resource summary

  1. Ishmael
    1. Isaac
      1. Esau
        1. Jacob
          1. Fathers 12 sons.
            1. 12 Tribes of Israel
            2. JOSEPH
              1. favourite son
                1. jealous brothers sell him to slavery
                  1. EGYPT
                    1. He's in the government (because of his visions)
                      1. Joseph’s father & brothers join him in Egypt where they live long & happy lives
                      2. Their descendants remain in Egypt where they flourish as a distinct ethnic group (called Hebrews)
                        1. The Egyptian Pharaoh (Rameses II) began to fear their strength & numbers, and so he enslaved them. Slavery in Egypt is a dark period in Jewish history
                          1. Moses
                            1. Dynamic and charismatic
                              1. Born Hebrew, raised by an Egyptian family
                                1. Dissatisfied with Egyptian society he headed for the desert where he became a shepherd
                                  1. Had an encounter with a ‘burning bush’
                                    1. “I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob” (Ex. 3:6) – release my people from slavery in Egypt
                                      1. God sends 10 plagues to Egypt to convince Pharaoh to liberate the Hebrew slaves
                                        1. The last, and most devastating plague is death to the first born son of each household
                                          1. The Hebrews are protected from the plague by marking their doorposts with the blood of a sacrificed lamb (according to God’s command)
                                            1. Passover
                  2. The Covenant between God + Jewish people began when Abram accepted God's offer.
                    1. Was abram born in Ur in Babylonia
                      1. Believed in Monotheism - going agaisnt his family and community beliefs
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