revision timetable


revision timetable with ideas of how to revise attached to each subject. Personal to my exams but can swap different subjects easily
Fionnuala Shearing
Mind Map by Fionnuala Shearing, updated more than 1 year ago
Fionnuala Shearing
Created by Fionnuala Shearing about 6 years ago

Resource summary

revision timetable
  1. wednesday
    1. history
      1. revision guide
        1. exam questions
          1. read book
          2. biology
            1. read/notes
              1. blurt
                1. exam questions
              2. tuesday
                1. physics
                  1. read/notes
                    1. Blurt
                      1. exam questions
                      2. english lang
                        1. mr brum videos
                          1. practise questions
                        2. monday
                          1. maths
                            1. revise topics
                              1. practise questions
                              2. sociology
                                1. cue cards
                                  1. mind maps
                                2. thursday
                                  1. chemistry
                                    1. read/notes
                                      1. blurt
                                        1. exam questions
                                        2. RE
                                          1. mind maps
                                            1. exam questions
                                          2. saturday
                                            1. maths
                                              1. exam papers
                                            2. friday
                                              1. english lit
                                                1. read poems /macbeth
                                                  1. mr brum videos
                                                    1. exam questions
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