Oxygen Therapy


Mind Map on Oxygen Therapy, created by aerardy on 08/11/2014.
Mind Map by aerardy, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by aerardy almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Oxygen Therapy
  1. Indications for O2
    1. decrease cardiac workload
      1. relieve symptoms of hypoxia (chronic/acute)
        1. decrease work of breathing (WOB)
    2. Complications of O2
      1. fire hazard
        1. supports combustion
        2. O2 toxicity (pt generally receive high FiO2 * >60%*
          1. Signs
            1. N/V
              1. Tachypena
                1. chest pain/tightness
                  1. Refractory hypoxemia- 100% Os & still hypoxic- cannot be fixed
                    1. decrease in surfactant
                      1. decreased compliance (expansion)
                        1. pulmonary edema
                      2. ROP- Retinopathy of Prematurity- causes blindness in premis
                        1. O2 induced hypoventilation- pt who lives on hypoxic drive (COPD)
                          1. signs
                            1. decraesd RR $ VT
                              1. high PaO2, high PCO2, low pH
                                1. pt lethargic, sleepy, confused
                        2. Signs of hypoxia
                          1. Tachycardia *primary sign*
                            1. pulmonary vasoconstricton- shunting
                              1. peripheral vasodilation- pt is warm to touch
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