information security


Mind Map on information security, created by virusqin2357 on 08/11/2014.
Mind Map by virusqin2357, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by virusqin2357 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

information security
  1. information security maturity
    1. the impact of this is the more organisations are in low-end information security model means taht more vulnerabilities that have in terms of business population
    2. core principles
      1. confidentiality
        1. integriy
          1. accountability
            1. assurance&privacy&availability
              1. authenticity &non-repudiation
                1. what can the organisation do by those principles
                  1. highlights aspects of IS comes into AnO is not only about infrastructure ,it is something that is virtual,not easily seen.the principles are provisional good quality information for rights users in right time to make decisions and operate within the context of BE
                2. quality , accessibility and usability are main concerns
                  1. wrong perception of IS within the organisation will be the weakest point of the chain at the beginning
                    1. why it is important ? why does it need to be secured in context of business
                      1. IS is not meant to slow don a company but rather to enhance and facilitate safer growth.
                        1. it can improve organisational performance that reduce the cost,lower overhead only if organisations make the right. reduce the risk requires clear and demonstrated governance, achievable IS strategy, dedicated budget,planning and projects that can help organisation project images that have impacts on both customers and business
                        2. it is used in at least two sense: condition & safeguards
                          1. condition in which harm does not arise despite the occurrence of threat
                            1. safeguards whose purpose is to achieve that condition
                            2. Divers
                              1. internal drives : increase needs to provide services regardless of location and type of end-user and increase consumer complaints about misuse of personal and confidential information.
                                1. external drivers: increase legal liability for lack of due care in the protection of personal information and legislative and regulatory compliance requirements
                                2. benefits it enables confidence and assurance and the protection of business assets and the fulfillment of the organisation's mission and vision
                                  1. the things or aspects that business manager will care
                                    1. Vicarious liability
                                      1. senior officers can be held criminally liable for the lack of due care and due diligence
                                    2. Control
                                      1. control types
                                        1. Detrrent
                                          1. preventive
                                            1. detective
                                              1. corrective
                                                1. recovery
                                                  1. compensating
                                                  2. Due care(establishment of control)
                                                    1. Control categories
                                                      1. physical
                                                        1. Technical
                                                          1. operational
                                                            1. administrative
                                                            2. Due diligence(maintenance of control)
                                                              1. differences between those two and those implications
                                                                1. due care shows that organisation has taken responsibilities for activities that take place and protect the organisation and its resources and employees from the potential threats.
                                                                  1. due diligence is implementing the control and ensuring the controls are monitored and updated all the time
                                                                    1. implications: if the company does not practice those two pertaining to the security of its assets and can be legally charged with negligence and held accountable for any ramifications of that negligence
                                                                2. a shift in security perspecitves
                                                                  1. information security is more than just technology; poor information security are usually the result of poor management rather than poor technical controls

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