

Business/Economics Mind Map on Teams, created by NURUL SYAHIRAH HUSSIN on 25/11/2018.
Mind Map by NURUL SYAHIRAH HUSSIN, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by NURUL SYAHIRAH HUSSIN over 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Differences between Group and Teams
    1. Work team
      1. A group whose individual efforts result in performance that is greater than the sum of the individual inputs
      2. Work group
        1. A group that interacts primarily to share information and to make decisions to help each group member perform within his or her area of responsibility
      3. Turning Individuals into Team Players
        1. Selecting: Hiring Team Players
          1. Possess interpersonal skills
            1. Professional
              1. Best talent
                1. Fulfilling the team roles
                2. Training: Creating Team Players
                  1. Workshop helps to improve problem-solving, communication, negotiation, conflict-management and coaching skills
                    1. Focus on team building
                    2. Rewarding: Providing Incentives to Be a Good Team Player
                      1. Reworked to encourage cooperative efforts rather than competitive ones
                        1. Reward towards team performance
                          1. Promotions, pray raises and other forms of recognition
                            1. Intrinsic rewards such as camaraderie
                          2. Creating Team Effectiveness
                            1. Context
                              1. Adequate Resources
                                1. Leadership and Structure
                                  1. Performance Evaluation and Reward System
                                  2. Composition
                                    1. Abilities of members
                                      1. Personality
                                        1. Allocating Roles
                                        2. Process
                                          1. Common Purpose
                                            1. Specific Goals
                                              1. Team Efficacy
                                            2. Type of Teams
                                              1. Problem-Solving Teams
                                                1. Group of 5-12 employees from the same department who meets for few hours each week to discuss ways of improving quality,efficiency and the work environment
                                                2. Self-Managed Work Teams
                                                  1. Groups of 10-15 people who take on responsibilities of their former supervisors
                                                  2. Cross-Functional Teams
                                                    1. Employees from about the same hierarchical level, but from different work area,who come together to accomplish a task
                                                    2. Virtual Teams
                                                      1. Teams that use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal
                                                      2. Multiteam Systems
                                                        1. A collection of two or more interdependent teams that share a superordinate goal; a team of teams
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