
A mind map that I created for my Intro to SAP class about schizophrenia.
Dana Alobadily
Mind Map by Dana Alobadily, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by vexations over 10 years ago
Dana Alobadily
Copied by Dana Alobadily about 6 years ago

Resource summary

    1. Relationship problems
      1. Disruption to normal daily activities
        1. Increased suicide risk
          1. Alcohol and drug abuse
            1. Harm inflicted on others
              1. Social stigma of being "crazy"
              2. CAUSES
                1. Triggered by stressors (ex: substance misuse, stressful life events)
                  1. Could be inherited
                    1. Genetic factors and environment must interact for it to develop
                      1. Different brain chemistry and structure
                        1. Imbalance in neurotransmitters; dopamine & glutamate
                      2. TREATMENT
                        1. Medication
                          1. Anti-psychotic, anti-depressant, anti-anxiety
                          2. Rehabilitation
                            1. Illness management skills
                              1. Family education
                                1. Cognitive behavioral therapy
                                  1. Psychotherapy
                                  2. SIGNS & SYMPTOMS
                                    1. Disorganized behavior
                                      1. Disorganized speech
                                        1. Hallucinaions
                                          1. Delusions
                                            1. Delusions of grandeur, persecution, reference, control
                                            2. Negative symptoms
                                              1. Lack of emotional expression, Lack of interest/enthusiasm in the world, Speech difficulties/abnormalities
                                            3. PREVENTION
                                              1. Don't smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products
                                                1. Develop social skills as much as you can
                                                  1. Maintain friendships, learn positive perspectives
                                                    1. Avoid social isolation
                                                    2. Learn to deal with stress/anxiety
                                                      1. Seek help from qualified psychologists and psychiatrists if you have problems coping
                                                    3. DSM-V
                                                      1. Types
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