Tumour of small and large bowel


Mind Map on Tumour of small and large bowel, created by Ice Berg on 28/11/2018.
Ice Berg
Mind Map by Ice Berg, updated more than 1 year ago
Ice Berg
Created by Ice Berg about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Tumour of small and large bowel
  1. Primary
    1. non-neoplastic polyps
      1. Hyperplastic (metaplastic) polyps
        1. common lesions >50% of ppl over 60s
          1. often found in the recto-sigmoid
            1. Less than 5mm
              1. single/ multiple
                1. Asymptomatic
                  1. compose of non-neoplastic glands with goblet cell differentiation and serrated appearance
                    1. Results from
                      1. Delayed shedding of surface epithelial cells
                      2. Hamartomatous polyps
                        1. Type
                          1. Juvenile
                            1. Peutz-Jeghers
                            2. Syndrome associated with harmatomatous polyps
                              1. Cowden syndrome
                                1. Cronkhite-Canada syndrome
                              2. Inflammatory polyps
                                1. Lymphoid polyps
                                2. Epithelial neoplasms
                                  1. Benign adenomatous polyps


                                    • Aka Neoplastic polyps 
                                    1. Malignant
                                      1. adenocarcinoma
                                        1. Carcinoid
                                      2. Mesenchymal neoplasm
                                        1. Lymphoma
                                          1. Mass arising from the mucosal epithelium or from the submucosal connective tissue protruding into the lumen of the gut
                                            1. Type
                                              1. non-neoplastic polyps
                                                1. Neoplastic polyps = ADENOMAS
                                                2. Pendunculate (with a stalk) or Sessile (flat)
                                              2. Secondary (rare)
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