Mapa Mental


Spenser Phillips CTRD Mental Map
Yazmin Ramirez
Mind Map by Yazmin Ramirez, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Spenser Phillips
Created by Spenser Phillips about 9 years ago
Yazmin Ramirez
Copied by Yazmin Ramirez almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Mapa Mental
  1. What are the different comprehension strategies and why are they important?
    1. Summary & Retelling
      1. Should be short than the original text.
        1. Should include the main ideas of the text.
          1. Should reflect the structure and theme of the main text.
            1. Should include important details.
          2. How do I effectively use think alouds to help kids develop comprehension?
            1. Teachers verbalize aloud while reading a text aloud.
              1. Verbalization include describing their doing as they read to monitor comprehension.
                1. Model for students how skilled readers construct meaning from a text.
                  1. Classroom activities that help students recognize the essential humanity and value different types of people.
                    1. Show students everyday photographs of people of different ethnicities , shapes, sizes, and garp gives students the opportunity to see people that look differently than themselves.
                      1. It is critical that educator provide students with a culturally responsive learning environment.
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