No more diets


Mind Map on No more diets, created by Dua Ga on 09/12/2018.
Dua Ga
Mind Map by Dua Ga, updated more than 1 year ago
Dua Ga
Created by Dua Ga about 6 years ago

Resource summary

No more diets
  1. weight gain
    1. Causes
      1. 1. Hypothyroidism
        1. 2. Diabetes treatment
          1. 3. Steroid treatment
            1. 4. Cushing’s syndrome
              1. 5. Stress
      2. effect on psychology
        1. • Depression
          1. • lowered self-esteem
            1. • Anxiety
              1. • Loss Of Energy
      3. Cushing syndrome
        1. Characteristic
          1. moon face
            1. buffalo hump
              1. Striae
                1. Easy brusing
                  1. Acne
                    1. Slow heealing
          2. Signs and symptoms
            1. Women
              1. 1. hirsutism
                1. 2. Dysmenorrhea
              2. Men
                1. 1.Decreased libido
                  1. 2.Decreased fertility
                    1. 3.Erectile dysfunction
              3. Risk factors
                1. Female
                  1. 25-40 y\o
                2. Pathophysiology
                  1. Investigations
                    1. Cortisol urine test
                      1. Blood test
                    2. Treatment
                      1. Adrenalectomy
                        1. Replacement therapy
                    3. Hormones
                      1. ACTH
                        1. Cortisol
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