What is Karma?


Mapping of article on Karma
Lynn Hensley
Mind Map by Lynn Hensley, updated more than 1 year ago
Lynn Hensley
Created by Lynn Hensley about 6 years ago

Resource summary

What is Karma?
  1. What is an intentional action?
    1. What are good intentions?
      1. What are consquences?
        1. What are bad intentions?
        2. Do you believe in karma?
          1. Buddhism
            1. What are the characteristics of this religion as related to karma?
            2. Hinduism
              1. What are characteristics of this religion as related to karma?
              2. What do these phrases mean to you?
                1. "You reap what you sow."
                  1. "What goes around comes around."
                    1. Is karma only in Eastern religions?
                      1. Do actions have consequences?
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