Psychology and the MCAT: Foundational Concept 8


Overview of Psychology concepts required for the new MCAT, per the AAMC (American Association of Medical Colleges) guidelines. This guide is for FC 8, see other mindmaps for other FCs. This provides a breakdown of category concepts and includes links to further resources. More will be added. Please comment if you create or discover a resource that you think should be linked here.
Andrew McGowan
Mind Map by Andrew McGowan, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Sarah Egan
Created by Sarah Egan over 9 years ago
Andrew McGowan
Copied by Andrew McGowan about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Psychology and the MCAT: Foundational Concept 8
  1. Content Category 8A: Self-identity
    1. Self-Concept, Self-identity, and Social Identity
      1. self-esteem, self-efficacy


        1. Different types of identities
          1. race/ethnicity
            1. age
              1. gender
                1. sexual orientation
                  1. class
                2. Formation of Identity
                  1. Theories of identity development


                    1. Influence of social factors
                      1. Individual
                        1. Group
                        2. Influence of culture and socialization
                      2. Content Category 8B: Social thinking
                        1. Attributing Behavior to Persons or Situations
                          1. Attributional processes


                            1. self-perceptions


                              1. perceptions of the environment
                              2. Prejudice and Bias


                                1. Role of emotion in prejudice
                                  1. Role of cognition in prejudiice
                                  2. Processes Related to Stereotypes
                                    1. Self fulfilling prophecy
                                      1. stereotype threat
                                    2. Content Category 8C: Social interactions
                                      1. Elements of Social Interaction
                                        1. Self-presentation and Interacting with Others
                                          1. Verbal and Non-verbal communication


                                            1. Animal signals and communication


                                            2. Social Behavior
                                              1. Attraction
                                                1. Aggression


                                                  1. Altruism
                                                    1. Attachment
                                                      1. Social support
                                                      2. Discrimination
                                                        1. Relationship between prejudice and discrimination
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                                                      Psychology and the MCAT
                                                      Sarah Egan
                                                      Sociology for the MCAT
                                                      Sarah Egan
                                                      Psychology and the MCAT: Foundational Concept 7
                                                      Sarah Egan
                                                      History of Psychology
                                                      Biological Psychology - Stress
                                                      Gurdev Manchanda
                                                      Bowlby's Theory of Attachment
                                                      Jessica Phillips
                                                      Psychology subject map
                                                      Jake Pickup
                                                      Psychology A1
                                                      Ellie Hughes
                                                      Memory Key words
                                                      Sammy :P
                                                      MCAT Physics: Thermodynamics
                                                      Mike Nervo
                                                      Psychology | Unit 4 | Addiction - Explanations