

Mind Map on Development, created by Ying Jie Lui on 14/11/2014.
Ying Jie Lui
Mind Map by Ying Jie Lui, updated more than 1 year ago
Ying Jie Lui
Created by Ying Jie Lui about 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Theories
    1. Sustainable development
      1. Thomas Malthus Meadows' limits to growth
        1. Mexico City gag rule
          1. ICPD Cairo 1994
          2. Ester Boserup Julian Simon
            1. International consensus
              1. Rio declaration; Agenda 21; Kyoto Protocol; Copenhagen Summit
            2. Orthodox
              1. Economic growth theory Rostow's linear stages theory
                1. Harrow Domar growth model
                  1. Flying geese model
                  2. Lewis 2-sector model
                    1. Neo-marxist / Dependency
                      1. Development of underdevelopment
                    2. Heterodox
                      1. Protectionism Infant industry; TOT
                        1. ISI
                          1. EOI
                            1. Neoliberal Washington Consensus
                              1. Augmented Washington Consensus
                                1. Institutional change
                                  1. Governance
                                    1. Asian Miracle
                                      1. Asian Financial Crisis
                                        1. Unregulated financial institutions
                                          1. Moral hazard
                                            1. Premature capital liberalization
                                    2. Trade liberalisation
                                      1. Contractionary policies
                                        1. SAPs
                                          1. Bretton Woods; IMF-WTO-WB trinity
                                2. Policies
                                    1. Bretton Woods; IFIs
                                      1. NGOs
                                        1. Land reforms; Microcredit; Green revolution; Informal sector
                                      2. Indicators
                                        1. Poverty
                                          1. Indicators
                                            1. Poverty lines Absolute Poverty Relative Poverty
                                              1. Headcount ratio Poverty gap
                                                1. Types
                                                  1. Chronic poor Transitory poor
                                                  2. Measurement
                                                    1. National accounts Household surveys
                                                      1. Market exchange rates vs. PPP exchange rates
                                                    2. Inequality
                                                      1. Indicators
                                                        1. Lorenz Curve Inequality adjusted HDI
                                                        2. Theories of Convergence
                                                          1. Diminishing returns Factor price equalisation Spatial diffusion
                                                          2. Theories of Divergence
                                                            1. Cumulative causation New growth theory
                                                        3. Meanings
                                                          1. Reduction in poverty, unN & inE
                                                            1. Social exclusion
                                                              1. Freedom
                                                                1. Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
                                                                2. Measurements
                                                                  1. Human Development Index (HDI) Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)
                                                                    1. Gender Development Index (GDI) Gender Inequality Index (GII) Gender Empowerment Measure (GEM)
                                                                      1. Human Poverty Index (HPI) Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI)
                                                                      2. Ethnodevelopment
                                                                        1. Cultural pluralism; Internal self-determination; Sustainability
                                                                        2. Bottom-up Approach
                                                                          1. Basic needs
                                                                            1. Personal consumption; essential services; paid employment; qualitative needs
                                                                            2. Participation
                                                                              1. RRA; PRA; PPA
                                                                              2. Empowerment
                                                                                Show full summary Hide full summary


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