Week 1: 28.01 - 01.02


Planning -Y4A/C Mind Map on Week 1: 28.01 - 01.02, created by Marilia Ferreira on 16/01/2019.
Marilia Ferreira
Mind Map by Marilia Ferreira, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Marilia Ferreira
Created by Marilia Ferreira about 6 years ago
Marilia Ferreira
Copied by Marilia Ferreira about 6 years ago

Resource summary

Week 1: 28.01 - 01.02
  1. Monday (28/01)
    1. 15 min: Welcome circle
      1. Talk about yourself (family, education, childhood, likes and dislikes)
        1. Quick Movement Activity: T.G.: p. 2
          1. Icebreaker activity: std write their name on the top of the paper, and in rounds we write sentences accordingly on what is written on the boeard. Ex.: 1 round: fav. colour; @nd roun: fav. food and so on
          2. 40 min: E.L.A.: day 1
            1. Read aloud: The Junkyard Wonders
              1. Add any word you think it is interesting for the writing - T.G.: p. 3
                1. Group discussion: Quality of a Friend - p. 3 and 4
                  1. Art Class: Y4 A 11h10 -11h50 Y4C: 17h - 17h50
                    1. 30 min: Math
                      1. Launch Unit: p. 28
                        1. Lesson 1: Whole Numbers to 10000 (use Golden material, if it helps) - p. 30 and 31. Exs.: 4 to 8
                          1. When they finish the exs., they can play: http://www.math-play.com/Place-Value-Millionaire/place-value-millionaire-game_html5.html
                        2. Tuesday (29/01)
                          1. 15 min: Conference corner + routine
                            1. 40 min: E.L.A.: day 2
                              1. Explain how to do Buddy Reading - T.G.: p. 6 and 7
                                1. Read Aloud: Our Friendship Rules - T.G.: p. 7 to 9
                                2. 30 min: Math
                                  1. Lesson 2: Rounding numbers - p. 33 and 34
                                    1. Science:
                                      1. Unit Launch: p. 3
                                        1. Homes are everywhere: p. 4 and 5
                                          1. What is a Habitat? - p. 6 to 8
                                          2. Centers:
                                            1. C1: E.L.A.: Small Group Work: Quality of a friend - T.G,: p. 9 and 10 (Ongoing Assessment 1)
                                              1. C2: Math: Exercises 1, 4, 5, 6, 13 p. 35
                                                1. C3: Science: Work On it - p. 8 > divide stds in four (Ask to Letícia/Deborah get 4 Chrome Books)
                                                2. Assistant Teacher: Use the EVA to do the symbols for greater than, less than and equal to;
                                                3. Wednesday (30/01)
                                                  1. 15 min: Conference corner + routine
                                                    1. 40 min: E.L.A.: day 3
                                                      1. Read Aloud: Suki's KImono - T.G.: p. 11 and 12
                                                        1. Stds finish their poster: Quality of a Friend
                                                        2. 30 min: Math
                                                          1. Lesson 3: Comparing and Ordering Numbers - p. 37 and 38 - exs. 1 to 8
                                                            1. After explaining the lesson, use UNO cards to create numbers and ask stds to put the EVA symbols (Ongoing Assessment)
                                                            2. Science:
                                                              1. Discussion about Habitats: show pics from different habitats and ask them:
                                                                1. 1) How are they alike? Different?
                                                                  1. 2) "Any animal can live in any habitat." True or false? Explain.
                                                                    1. 3) If you could create a new animal to live on the habitat you chose, what would it be like? Check p. 11 (Ongoing Assessement)
                                                                  2. P.E. Class: Y4 C: 17h20 - 18h00
                                                                  3. Thursday (31/01)
                                                                    1. 15 min: Conference corner + routine
                                                                      1. 40 min: E.L.A.: day 4
                                                                        1. Read Aloud: The Twelve Gifts of Birth + discussion - T.G.: p. 13
                                                                          1. Small Group Presentation: Quality of a friend (Ongoing Assessement 2)
                                                                            1. GAME: describe a word from the Word Wall and they have to guess
                                                                            2. 30 min :Math
                                                                              1. Lesson 4: Estimating Sums - p. 40 and 41
                                                                                1. https://www.mathgames.com/skill/4.33-estimate-sums
                                                                                  1. Exercises 1 to 9 - p. 41 and 42
                                                                                  2. Science (Y4C)
                                                                                    1. P.E. Class: Y4 A: 10h55 - 11h 35
                                                                                    2. Friday (01/02)
                                                                                      1. 15 min: Conference corner + routine
                                                                                        1. 40 min: E.L.A.: day 5
                                                                                          1. Introduce TWO MINUTE TALK - T.G.: p. 15
                                                                                            1. Read Aloud: The Hundred Dresses (chapter 1) - T.G.: p. 16
                                                                                            2. Centers:
                                                                                              1. C1: E.L.A.: BLM 4 "Wanda" - The Hundred Dresses Response Sheet
                                                                                                1. C2: Math exercises - p. 44 exs. 1 to 4
                                                                                                  1. While stds do centers, teacher do Running Records and T.A. do OA with UNO cards with stds
                                                                                                  2. 20 min: Math
                                                                                                    1. Lesson 5: Using Mental Math to Add
                                                                                                  3. E.L.A.: Building Community, Friendship, respecting Differences / Math: Unit 2 - Whole Numbers / Science: Habitats and communities
                                                                                                    1. Year 4 Week 1 : 28.01 to 01.02
                                                                                                    2. LISTA DE MATERIAL: * 3 blocos de papel canson; *Três placas de E.V.A. com cores diferentes * 1 pacote de folha sulfite
                                                                                                      1. During centers, students will work independently so the teacher can do Running Records (during the week)
                                                                                                        1. I'm done:
                                                                                                          1. 1) Reflect - p. 32
                                                                                                            1. 2) Finish Math exercises
                                                                                                              1. 3) Stds do charts about the lessons learnt on the day
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