Murder by Art


Murder by Art
Brenda Gudiño López
Mind Map by Brenda Gudiño López, updated more than 1 year ago
Brenda Gudiño López
Created by Brenda Gudiño López almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Murder by Art
  1. Main characters
    1. Dr. Maxine Cassidy
      1. Doctor at Mercy Hospital
      2. Detective Grabowski
        1. a police officer; Maxine's friend
        2. Dr. Leo Hochstedder
          1. a specialist in lung disease
            1. Murder
            2. Hellen Mueller
              1. The bussines manager and co-owner of the Art Space
                1. murder
                2. Soren Berendorf
                  1. a famous artist
                    1. murdered
                    2. Lillian Hochstedder
                      1. Leo's wife; an artist and co-owner of Art Space
                    3. Author
                      1. Janet McGiffin
                        1. female
                          1. 9 books Published
                        2. Genre
                          1. Murder Mystery
                          2. 19 Chapters
                            1. Editor
                              1. Philip Prowse
                              2. Place
                                1. Milwaukee, USA
                                2. Publisher
                                  1. Cambridge University Press
                                  2. Issues
                                    1. Accidental deaths
                                    2. Conflict
                                      1. Unresolve deaths
                                      2. By Brenda Gudiño López
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