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Death's personality


Death from The Book Thief gives us a little insight into it's thought process.
Alec Everhart (0^0)
Mind Map by Alec Everhart (0^0), updated more than 1 year ago
Alec Everhart (0^0)
Created by Alec Everhart (0^0) almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Death's personality
  1. Servant
    1. Death portrays itself as a servant to war.
      1. Every timme Death completes a task, war ramps up his schedule again.
      2. "War is like the boss that demands one hundred and ten percent."
      3. Humorous
        1. " A snowball in the face is surely the perfect beginning to a lasting friendship."
          1. Death attempts to insert black humor into grim circumstances to soften the emotional blow.
            1. " In short, Himmel Street was flattened."
          2. Dark
            1. Death describes himself as a dark being in the eyes of man
              1. Death is commonly seen as a dark, shadowy figure waiting calmly for its chance.
                1. Death also describes himself as not conforming to the typical human ideas of his appearance.
              2. Immortal
                1. " I am haunted by humans "
                  1. Death wanders the earth with a basic purpose but no apparent knowledge of it's origin.
                    1. Death shows no thoughts of lack of maturity or aging, leading to the idea of immortality.
                  2. Follower
                    1. Death follows war and suffering wherever it goes, cleaning up the fallen souls.
                      1. Death follows Liesel throughout the story and visits her many times.
                        1. Liesel also seems to follow Death in the event of her brother dying and the death of an American Fighter pilot.
                      2. Grim
                        1. " Humans, if nothing else, have the good sense to die"
                          1. Death does not understand his own purpose in reality, he stands outside of time ( see Immortal ) and he appears to despise his job.
                          2. Death is haunted by the fact that it cannot fade away or stop existing as humanity can. This is the only form of Jealousy we see in him.
                          3. Hardship
                            1. Death often follows hardship because it leads to him.
                              1. Death witnessed the suffering in the gas chambers and took the souls of the victims away by the thousands.
                              2. Death himself has to endure much hardship. " I was so exhausted, and yet the work just kept on coming "
                              3. Tired
                                1. " My heart is so tired "
                                  1. Death is constantly bothered by his never ending task of assisting discarded souls to the afterlife.
                                    1. " For me, the sky was the color of Jews "
                                  2. Kind
                                    1. Death attempts to be gentle to those he deems worthy when taking their souls.
                                      1. Death seems to have a great anger towards Hitler.
                                        1. Whether this is because he gives him more work is unknown.
                                          1. A probable cause is that he dislikes his job when it is unnatural.
                                        2. He gently takes Mrs. and Mr. Hubermann's souls in the middle of the night. " They didn't deserve to die, but at least the died quickly"
                                        3. Unknown
                                          1. Death is an unknown force that is apparently not omnipresent as humanity sees it but exceedingly quick and smart. He understands the inevitability of his job and attempts to soften the blow.
                                            1. " A small fact: you are going to die... does this worry you?"
                                            2. Diligent
                                              1. Death maintains a constant watch over the fallen souls and assists them to whatever afterlife exists in this world.
                                                1. He never stops his constant duty even though he admits to himself and the readers that he is exhausted.
                                                2. Curious
                                                  1. " He must have loved her so incredibly hard. So hard that he would never ask for her lips again and would go to his grave without them.
                                                    1. Death showed an exceptional curiosity in Rudy Steiner, he wanted to know what drove the boy.
                                                    2. 11/20/14
                                                      1. Ms.Barrier
                                                        1. English Honors 2
                                                          1. Alec Everhart
                                                            1. Dawson Ellington
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