A 20 year old women with an ulcer


Mind Map on A 20 year old women with an ulcer, created by Bang Tan on 13/02/2019.
Bang Tan
Mind Map by Bang Tan, updated more than 1 year ago
Bang Tan
Created by Bang Tan almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

A 20 year old women with an ulcer
  1. developed itchy erythematous papules and plaques on the dorsum of the left hand
    1. referred to the hospital and was seen by a dermatologist.
      1. A provisional diagnosis of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis was made
        1. Investigation and Results
          1. follow up after 5 weeks
            1. Advice was also given to parents about protection from the disease
              1. bleeding other infections due to a weakened immune system, which can be life-threatening disfigurement
                1. Visceral leishmaniasis is often fatal due to the effects it has on both internal organs and your immune system
                2. Anti-amoebic Mixed amebicide (Luminal and Systemic) Metronidazole in combination with a luminal amebicidal drug such as diloxanide furoate
                1. Splenic aspirate Bone marrow aspirate Lymph node aspirate Dermal scrapings
                  1. Microscopy: Giemsa-stained smear. Culture: Novy-McNeal-Nicolle or other growth media
                2. The ulcer was covered with a crust. It was raised, erythematous border with an ulcerative crater in the center. Its edge was indurated. There were multiple small nodules around the ulcer
                  1. Ulcers
                    1. It is a local defect of the surface of an organ or tissue that is produced by necrosis of cells and shedding of necrotic and inflammatory tissue.
                      1. Traumatic Causes
                        1. Vascular Insufficiency
                          1. Neoplastic Conditions
                            1. Basal Cell Carcinoma
                              1. Squamous cell carcinoma
                                1. Malignant melanoma
                            2. diabetes
                              1. cellulitis
                                1. Infective Processes
                                2. Itching
                                3. Cardinal Signs of Inflammation
                                  1. calor
                                    1. rubor
                                      1. tumor
                                        1. functio laesa
                                          1. dolor
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