developed itchy erythematous papules and plaques on the dorsum of
the left hand
referred to the hospital and was seen by a dermatologist.
A provisional diagnosis of Cutaneous Leishmaniasis was made
Investigation and Results
follow up after 5 weeks
Advice was also given to parents about protection from the disease
bleeding other infections due to a weakened immune system, which
can be life-threatening disfigurement
Visceral leishmaniasis is often fatal due to the effects it has on both
internal organs and your immune system
Anti-amoebicMixed amebicide (Luminal and Systemic)Metronidazole in
combination with a luminal amebicidal drug such as diloxanide furoate
Splenic aspirate Bone marrow aspirate
Lymph node aspirate Dermal scrapings
Microscopy: Giemsa-stained smear.
Culture: Novy-McNeal-Nicolle or
other growth media
The ulcer was covered with a
crust. It was raised,
erythematous border with
an ulcerative crater in the
center. Its edge was
indurated. There were
multiple small nodules
around the ulcer
It is a local defect of the surface of
an organ or tissue that is produced
by necrosis of cells and shedding of
necrotic and inflammatory tissue.