The Great Plague


Mind Map on The Great Plague, created by Bailey Corbett on 21/11/2014.
Bailey Corbett
Mind Map by Bailey Corbett, updated more than 1 year ago
Bailey Corbett
Created by Bailey Corbett almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Great Plague
  1. Prevention
    1. It is as clear as the sun that the recent increase of the pestilence came by the carelessness of the people, and their greediness in receiving infected goods into their houses
      1. what is the cause that this pestilence is so great in one part of the land but not in another? Only that it pleaseth the Lord in wisdom to defend some but not the rest. Therefore let us believe that in these dangerous times God much be our only defence
        1. People wore charms such as this abracadabra amulet to ward off the plague
          1. Plague doctors wore costumes when they visited victims. They wore gloves, legs were fully covered, a glass nose stuffed with perfume, herbs or flowers, and a stick for prodding victims to see if they were alive or not
          2. Dead People
            1. Plague victims were buried usually at night in a very well organised way
              1. Searchers would check each dead body to work out the cause of death. Each week the number of dead and their cause of death were written on a 'Bill of Mortality'.
              2. The Government
                1. Special orders were issued by the Mayor of London in an attempt to stop the spread of the Plague. Any house containing someone with the plague has to be sealed up for up to 40 days until the person is dead or better. Public entertainment is to be stopped and the door of the house has to be marked with a red cross and the words, "Lord, have mercy upon us"
                  1. Regulations of the City of London council were that examiners and searchers should be apoointed. And infected house should be shut up for a month and no one should leave unless they go to a pest-house. Watchmen should be appointed to guard houses to make sure no one escapes. Also people inside infected houses should be supplied with essential food if they're too poor to pay for their own. Stray dogs should be killed by council dog-killers. No other animals should be kept in the City.
                  2. Cure
                    1. People spent a fortune on crazy cures like recipes. You were told to wrap in woollen clothes, compel the sick party to sweat which if he does, keep him there until the sores begin to rise. Then apply a live pigeon cut in half or a plaster made of the yolk of an egg, honey, herbs and wheat flour.
                      1. People wore amulets (charms) made of toad's poison which, if there is any infection, it raises a blister, which a plaster heals, and so they are well.
                        1. To draw the poison from the plague sore, take the feathers from the tail of a chicken and apply them to the sore. The chick will gasp and labour for life, when the poison is drawn out by the chicken, the patient will recover. Then use the recipe.
                        2. God
                          1. What is the cause that this pestilence is so great in one part of the land but not in another? Only that it pleaseth the Lord in wisdom to defend some but not the rest. Therefore let us believe that in these dangerous times God must be our only defence.
                            1. There were regulations ordering people to pray and fast to persuade God to stop the plague. Did most people explain the plague in supernatural terms?
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