Input and Output devices


Mind Map on Input and Output devices, created by Charles Mugan on 21/11/2014.
Charles Mugan
Mind Map by Charles Mugan, updated more than 1 year ago
Charles Mugan
Created by Charles Mugan about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Input and Output devices
  1. Printer - A printer is an output device that takes data from the computer, e.g. a word document, a prints it onto paper
    1. Mouse - A mouse is an input device that sends data to the computer to move the pointer.
      1. Keyboard - A keyboard is an input device that sends data to the computer that makes it type out letters.
        1. Monitor
          1. Output
            1. Recieves data from the computer and displays this on the screen
            2. Camera
              1. Input device
                1. Sends data to the computer about the pictues stored
                2. Headphones
                  1. Output
                    1. Takes data from the computer about the sound and makes the same vibrations in the headphones, this creates the same sound
                    2. Webcam
                      1. Input
                        1. Sends data from the camera inside to the computer about what is being shown
                        2. Speaker
                          1. Output
                            1. Takes data from the computer about the sounds and replicates it
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