- Jesus was baptised in the River Jordan. He
was baptised by John the Baptist. The
heavens opened and the Holy Spirit came
down in the for of a Dove. A voice came from
Heaven and said: "You are my son whom I
love and I am well pleased"
The Trinity is present at
the Baptism
It was the first time that God the father
acknowledged Jesus as his son and gave
him reassurance and courage to carry on
his Good News, knowing that God
The Transfiguration (MK 9:2-8)
Jesus is 'transfigured'. He is
changed into "dazzling white". This
symbolises his purity and closeness
to God.
They went up a mountain - again to
show closeness to God - (possibly
meaning that Jesus is God.)
A Voice from Heaven says: "This is
my Son, Whom I love. Listen to
him!". This is the second time God
acknowledges Jesus as his Son.
Elijah: Prophet who predicted about
Jesus being the Messiah/Son of God
Moses: The Law giver as he
was given 10 commandments
Miracles: In Marks Gospel there are 2 types
of miracles....
Nature miracles: These
involve things to do
with Nature
E.g. The Calming of the Storm
E.g. The feeding of the Five Thousand
Healing Miracles: These
involve people being healed
of an illness or their sins,
E.g. The Paralysed Man (The
Man is healed of both..)
The Paralyesed Man (MK 2:1-12)
4 men arrived where Jesus was preaching.
They had their paralysed friend with them.
They could not fit it in so they made a hole
in the roof. Seeing all of their faith - Jesus
said to the paralysed man: "My Son your
sins are forgiven".
The teachers of the law said Jesus was
blaspheming - as only God had the power
to forgive sins. They did not believe Jesus
so he had to preform another miracle. He
told the man to "pick up his mat" and go
This proved to them all that Jesus did
have the power to forgive and heal
(power of God) - Therefore he must be
the Son of Man - he refers to himself as
- 2 MIRACLES take
place in this story!
The Feeding of the 5000 (MK 6:30-44)
The apostles gathered round Jesus, There were many people coming and going that they
did not have a chance to eat. Jesus said "Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and
get some rest." Jesus told the disciples to give them something to eat, They said it would
take eights months of a man's wages. It turned out they only had five loaves and two fish,
Jesus told the crowd to sit down in groups of hundreds and fifties. Jesus took the food, gave
thanks and broke the loaves (like the priest does during mass).
Everyone had food to eat and there were twelve
baskets of broken pieces of bread and fish. The
amount of men who had eaten was five thousand.
There were Twelve Baskets of food left over, Twelve is a
special number in Mark's Gospel. There are Twelve disciples
and each one represents one of the Twelve Tribes in Israel.
Blind Bartimaeus (MK 10:46-52)
They came to Jericho, Jesus was
travelling with his disciples. A
Blind beggar named Bartimaeus,
called out to Jesus: "Son of David
take pity on me". He threw off his
clock, jumped up and came to