
Mind Map on MALAYSIAN LEGAL SYSTEM, created by Nursyuhada Redzuan on 02/03/2019.
Nursyuhada Redzuan
Mind Map by Nursyuhada Redzuan, updated more than 1 year ago
Nursyuhada Redzuan
Created by Nursyuhada Redzuan about 6 years ago

Resource summary

  1. 1. Definition of law
    1. Law refers to a set of rules which governs the conduct of a citizen. It can be considered as a set of guidance which is important for the harmonization of citizens
    2. 2. Classifications of law
      1. Public Law
        1. The law that governs the relationship between individuals and the state. Examples of public laws are constitutional, criminal and administrative
          1. Constitutional law - It refers to a written text of the state and federal constitution which regulated the power of the government, confers the fundamental rights of individuals in the state and the power of the ruler of the state
            1. Criminal Law - The body of law that relates to crimes. It regulates social conduct and prescribes whatever is threatening, harmful, or otherwise endangering to the property, health, safety and moral welfare of people
              1. Administrative law - The body of law that governs the activities of administrative agencies of government which includes rulemaking, adjudication or the enforcement of a specific regulatory agenda.
            2. Private Law
              1. Refers to civil law which governs the relationship between individuals. The parties in dispute can bring an action to court in their own names. Examples, contracts, torts, hire purchase, agency and others.
              2. International Law
                1. The body of law that governs the legal relations between or among states or nations. The rules of international law are found in treaties, conventions and rules of international customary law
                  1. Public International Law
                    1. It covers a range of activities such as diplomatic relations, conduct of war, trade and human rights.
                    2. Private International Law
                      1. It deals with a variety topics such as contracts, marriage and divorce, jurisdiction, child adoption and abduction.
                2. 3. Sources of Law in Malaysia
                  1. Written Law
                    1. It refers to the law that is itroduced through parliamentary process. It is also known as the laws which have been enacted in the constitution or in legislation
                      1. Subsidiary Legislation
                        1. The acts or Enactments may confer powers to specific bodies or persons in authority to make law
                          1. These law basically concern with everyday matters , which are not covered by Parliament or State Assemblies Normally they relate to policies
                            1. Known as rules or regulations
                            2. Legislation
                              1. For the law enacted after 1946 until 1956, they are known as Ordinance. For those that are enacted from 1957 they are known as Act
                                1. For the laws legislated by the State Legislative Assemblies, they are known as Enactment except in Sarawak, known as Ordinance
                                2. State Constitutions
                                  1. Each state has its own constitution. This constitution is applicable to that particular state only
                                    1. The provisions in the State Constitution are relating to state matters, for example relating to ruler, financial, state employees etc
                                    2. Federal Constitution
                                      1. The term refers to a body of legal and non-legal rules concerning the government of a state
                                        1. Federal Constitution lays down powers of the federal government and the state government. These powers are stated in the federal list, state list or concurrent list
                                          1. Any clause of the Federal Constitution can be changed by two third (2/3) majorty votes of total number of members of parliament
                                        2. Unwritten Law
                                          1. Refer to the law which is introduced without any law-making body. It is one of the sources of law which is introduced based on custom, usage, and judicial decisions
                                            1. Judicial Decisions
                                              1. Refer to the court's judgment or determination of the dispute between the parties
                                                1. In deciding cases before the courts, the judges are bound to follow the previous decisions made by the previous judges. The previous reported case is called as precedent and it is known as stare decisis, which is to keep decision
                                                  1. Two conditions that must be observed before the current judges can follow the precedent. These are: a) There must exist reliable report of cases b) There must be a settled judicial hierarchy
                                                  2. English Law
                                                    1. The guidelines in application of English law troughout Malaysia is based on the Civil Law Act 1956
                                                      1. Our legal system normally would adopt English Common Law and Equity and English Commercial Law based on section 3 and section 5. It depends on: the local circumstances where the Malaysian written law permits and when there is no statute of particular law in Malaysia that deals with that kind of situatons
                                                      2. Customary Law
                                                        1. An ancient unwritten law that is found in a particular place where no rules has ever been enacted by the legislative authority
                                                          1. It also can be defined as customs and traditions in the Malay community
                                                            1. Examples of customary laws in Malaysia are Adat Perpatih, Adat Temenggong, Iban customary laws and Dusun customary laws
                                                              1. Principal requirements for a valid custom: The custom must be proven to exist and have been observed for a long time, continuously and consistently and must be legal, obligatory, certain and reasonable
                                                              2. Islamic Law
                                                                1. Its application is limited to Muslim only
                                                                  1. Islamic law is known as Sharia law that is a divine law and it has four major sources, the Qur'an, Hadith, Ijma' and Qiyas
                                                                    1. The administration of Islamic law Enacments were given to three principal authorities i.e. The Majlis Agama Islam, the Mufti and the Syari'ah Courts
                                                                2. 4. Procedure of the law making process before any law is passed by Parliament
                                                                  1. How a Bill becomes a law?
                                                                    1. Parliament exercises its power to make laws by passing of Bill in both Houses i.e. House of Representatives (Dewan Rakyat) and Senate (Dewan Negara)
                                                                      1. 1st Reading- Reading of long title, i.e, the title of the Bill will be read. If it is accepted, the bill will printed and distributed to the members of Parliament
                                                                        1. 2nd Reading- the members will discuss and debate on the Bill. Voting by simple majority (by voices) or 2/3 majority through divisions. If it is accepted, it will sent to the next stage for the consideration of the Committee of the House
                                                                          1. Committee Stage- The committee will consider the Bill and may amend any part of it. If the committee approved, the bill will sent to the next stage
                                                                            1. 3rd Reading- voting for second time.. Long title will be read and passed by the house
                                                                              1. Royal Assent- Once passed by the Houses in which the Bill is originated, it will sent to the other House. Once the House (second House) passes the Bill, it must be presented to the YDPA for His assent thereto. The YDPA must within 30 days assent to the Bill by causing Public Seal to be affixed thereto. If He fails to do so, the Constitution provides that the Bill should become law at the expiration of 30 days as if He had assented thereto.
                                                                                1. Gazetted and printed- The Bill shall become law on being assented to by the YDPA, but no law shall become into force until it had been gazette
                                                                                  1. Law
                                                                  2. 5. Judicial System In Malaysia
                                                                    1. Hierarchy of Courts
                                                                      1. Federal Court
                                                                        1. Court of Appeal
                                                                          1. High Court of Malaya
                                                                            1. Sessions Court
                                                                              1. Magistrate Courts
                                                                            2. High Court of Sabah/ Sarawak
                                                                              1. Sessions Court
                                                                                1. Magistrate Courts
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