The Prelude


Mind Map on The Prelude, created by Gustas K on 13/03/2019.
Gustas K
Mind Map by Gustas K, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Jaz Davies
Created by Jaz Davies over 7 years ago
Gustas K
Copied by Gustas K over 5 years ago

Resource summary

The Prelude
  1. "(led by her) I found A little boat tied to a willow tree"
    1. Brackets instantly establishes the idea of secrecy since he is presented as almost fearful of nature's power.
      1. Personification to portray nature as 'Mother Nature' as a female pronoun is used.
        1. Links to his child-like behaviour and impulses - confides in her as a mother figure.
      2. May refer to his naivety as he is 'tied' to his ideas of nature as he only sees it as beautiful.
        1. The feminine imagery used throughout the poem enforces his deception of his view of his surroundings.
        2. He may be freeing himself from his narrow minded constraints to acknowledge nature as he experiences a spiritual journey.
        3. "homeward went, in grave And serious mood;"
          1. Double meaning of 'grave'...
            1. Could represent severity.
              1. Convention of death.
                1. Establishes a dark atmosphere that causes an oppressive tone.
                2. Expressing internal emotion as he is now feeling intense fear and need for reflect on his discoveries.
                  1. Juxtaposing opinion to the exposition of the poem.
                3. "There hung a darkness, call it solitude Or blank desertion."
                  1. Pathetic fallacy
                    1. Conflict of the mind - sudden feeling of confusion.
                      1. Nature has changed his mind and so feels overwhelmingly conflicted,
                      2. Verb 'hung' connotes of the lingering sensation as he has now lost control of his thoughts; his mind is now clouded and is unable to differantiate.
                        1. Power of man is TRANSIENT.
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