Microbes and Feeding relationships.


Science Mind Map on Microbes and Feeding relationships., created by Jack Chinnery on 14/03/2019.
Jack Chinnery
Mind Map by Jack Chinnery, updated more than 1 year ago
Jack Chinnery
Created by Jack Chinnery almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Microbes and Feeding relationships.
  1. Funges
    1. Funges is a simple organism which is similar to animal cells but are mainly like plant cells. They mostly live on land and damp places like soil. some Funges are mould, yeast, mushroom and toodstools.
    2. Bacteria
      1. Bacteria is a simple organism which often number in their thousands. they can be different shapes. they live or like to live in warm moist conditions to grow. some examples of bacteria is bacilla, concus and sprillus.
        1. there are also very dangerous viruses like: ebola which is a disease which cause fever, headache and diarhea. there is also no cure currently and is extremely infectous. there is also the black death which cause adomal pain and bleeding. finally, there is a disease called rabies which is a disease were you have irribility and confusion.
        2. how infections are prevented by our body
          1. Our body can be affected by interacting with ill people, breathing in airasols, cuts, improper sanitation, eating/drinking infected food and mutch more
            1. Our body prevents these diseases with lots of parts o the body preventing or stopping bacteria get though to the body. some of these are for example: eyes are protected by tears, ears are protected by wax and the nails are protected by them regrowing.
          2. Antibiotics
            1. Here are some examples of antibiotics: oxacillin, meticillin, penicillin, vancominun and amoxicillin.
            2. Vacines
              1. a vacine is a substance used to stimulate production of antibodies and provide immunity ti severe diseases. They improve you imune system and destroy deceases. It can make diseases go away and possibly vanish because everyone has had the cure so nobody has it. it is put from tablets or jabs. we always need to kill diseases which is why we need vacines
              2. Food chains and food webs
                1. A food chain is a network of links in a food web starting from producer organisms such as grass or trees which use radiation from the Sun to make their food and ending at powerfull predator species such as grizzly bears or killer whales, bugs like earthworms or woodlice, or microbe species such as fungi or bacteria. A food chain also shows how the organisms are related with each other by the food they eat. Each level of a food chain represents a different energy level. A food chain also represents the tranfer of energy from organism to organism
                  1. A food web is when food chains are interlocked between each other.
                  2. Viruses
                    1. A virus is a microscopic parasite which can infect living organisms and cause diseases. it can make copies of itself inside other cells.
                      1. Viruses are very tiny germs. They are made of genetic material inside of protein coating.
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