Technology Terminology Mind Map, By: Carey Michaud


Technology Terminology descriptions/ comparisons for; Video Conferencing, Web conferencing and Online Meetings.
Mind Map by cmichaud, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by cmichaud almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Technology Terminology Mind Map, By: Carey Michaud
  1. Video Conferanceing
    1. Allows Two or more locations to communicate in real time simultaneously through TWO way video and audio transmissions.
    2. Web Conferancing
      1. Are also known as "Webinars," or interactive conferences that are also shared simultaneously in real or pre-recorded time. May require additional software. Used to relay information through; audio, and video chat, to conduct: meetings, training events, lectures, or short presentations
      2. Online Meetings
        1. Usually are inexpensive and can be created in chatrooms with audio overlay. Requires the internet and possibly some additional software programs. Online meetings can also take place in real time, and be used to share documents or spread sheets
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