Political Participation


Mind Map on Political Participation, created by Tania Tait on 21/04/2019.
Tania Tait
Mind Map by Tania Tait, updated more than 1 year ago
Tania Tait
Created by Tania Tait almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Political Participation
  1. Political socialization: Means by which citizens acquire their political ideas and beliefs
    1. Family
      1. Religion
        1. Gender
          1. Education
          2. Political Culture: A distinctive and patterned way of thinking about political and economic life ought to be carried out
            1. Sources: -Family -Political Parties -Religious Diversity
            2. Political Ideology: A coherent and consistent set of beliefs about the specific actions government should take
              1. Liberals: Believes that the gov should be used in a limited way to remedy the social & economic injustices in the marketplace
                1. Conservatives: Stress that individuals should be responsible for their own well-beings & should not rely on gov assistance
                2. Ways people participate in elections
                  1. Work on campaigns
                    1. VOTING!
                      1. Protest policies
                        1. Communicate with officials
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