The Person of Jesus


Tapi Mandz
Mind Map by Tapi Mandz, updated more than 1 year ago
Tapi Mandz
Created by Tapi Mandz about 10 years ago

Resource summary

The Person of Jesus
  1. Parable
    1. story about everyday life with a deeper meaning
      1. Allegorical parable: where each key part represents something specific...etc parable of the sower
        1. simple stories, easy to listen/understand, mostly used by rabbis, most people illiterate, parables were expected to be discussed, designed to illustrate points and provoke action, all parables are about the kingdom of god, parables used everyday images to help memory aid.
        2. Jesus the Miracle Worker
          1. Jesus performed many kinds of miracle: natural miracles, healing miracles, and exorcisms
            1. Healing miracles
              1. "God created people whole and perfect"
                1. Sick or disabled were being punished by god, for either their sins or there parents sins
                  1. Outcasts so thus landed them in poverty, outcasts were believed to contaminate good people causing the people to be "Defiled"
                  2. Religious leaders disliked Jesus for spending time with them. Mark Describes this as Jesus showing his Compassion and Authority
                2. Nature Miracles
                  1. Showed his ultimate power and Authority during nature miracles
                    1. Calmed The winds and Waves, Walked on Water, Fed 5000...
                    2. Exorcisms
                      1. Mental Illness was believed to be evil spirits entering someone's body and taking control
                        1. no none argued if Jesus healed these people but where his power came from?
                          1. Ordinary people believed it came from God because evil cant cast out evil
                            1. Jesus Silenced Demons where he met them this was part of the Messainic secret
                              1. Scribes were sent from Jerusalem to investigate Jesus and Decided the power came from Satan
                        2. Feeding of the 5000
                          1. Old Testament predicts that the messiah would feed people miraculously like moses did.
                            1. Story Shows: Jesus is the messiah who feeds the people as Moses had done, Jesus fulfills the Law represented by Moses and the Prophets. Jesus behaves as he is God: he instructs people then produces food for them miraculously
                              1. Jesus looks forward to the last supper and the messianic banquet
                                1. people thought the kingdom of god would be like a big get together of people enjoying eachothers company: the kingdom of God was often referred to as "The messianic Banquet"
                                  1. Jesus hosts a large meal for a lot of people like he will at the messianic banquet. Serves bread like he will at the last supper.
                                    1. some scholars believe that the whole story had been invented or that the amount of people/food had been exaggerated. some say they shared a packed lunch and this was mistaken as a miracle (liberalist view)
                                      1. Mark goes to great pain to be specific about how many are sat in the groups. How many coins that are needed (200). How much food was used and how many baskets. it is evident that a natural miracle occured
                                    2. symbolism
                                      1. Jesus the teachers
                                        1. The events leading up taught just as much. After a long day of worshipping, the apostles meet and go across just to have a chance to relax and recap. Even though the people take this away Jesus shows compassion rather than frustration
                                    3. A2 (c) ‘The feeding of the 5000 proves that Jesus was the Christ (Messiah).’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view.
                                      1. ‘When Jesus used the title Son of Man, the disciples did not realise he was claiming to be the Christ (Messiah).’ What do you think? Explain your opinion.
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