Roles and Responsibilites


Mind Map on Roles and Responsibilites, created by Sam Havis on 06/05/2019.
Sam Havis
Mind Map by Sam Havis, updated more than 1 year ago
Sam Havis
Created by Sam Havis almost 6 years ago

Resource summary

Roles and Responsibilites
  1. Mina
    1. Operations Director
      1. HR management
        1. Decorate complex cakes
          1. Quality and technical baking logistics
            1. Market shopping
              1. Jam making
                1. Mail order and cafe business development
              2. Sam
                1. Managing Director
                  1. Collates wholesale and retail orders
                    1. Responds to cake emails and quotes
                      1. Social media
                        1. New wholesale business development
                          1. Bookkeeping
                            1. Delivery planning
                              1. Samosas, pakora and pie fillings
                                1. Event planning
                              2. Alice
                                1. Bakery Manager
                                  1. Plans products and quantities
                                    1. First line staff manager
                                      1. Daily baking planning and quality control
                                        1. Baking
                                          1. Bakery and shop management inc H&S, tidyness, cleanliness and organisation
                                            1. Shop sales
                                              1. Stock control
                                                1. Phone queries
                                              Show full summary Hide full summary


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