Supernatural Macbeth


GCSE English Literature Mind Map on Supernatural Macbeth, created by Izzy Banks on 06/05/2019.
Izzy Banks
Mind Map by Izzy Banks, updated more than 1 year ago
Izzy Banks
Created by Izzy Banks over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Supernatural Macbeth
  1. Act 4 sn 1
    1. Lang devices
      1. Sensory description
        1. "That have eaten he nine farrow; grease that sweaten"
          1. Shows how the witches are evil and that they are tricking Macbeth.
        2. Stage directions
          1. "Thunder. First Apparition: an armed head"
            1. Suggests they have control over the weather which makes them against the natural order.
        3. Content
          1. The witches are given Macbeth a prophecy that will lead to his downfall.
          2. Context
            1. Jacobean audience believed witches were linked to the devil and divine right of kings.
            2. Structure
              1. Rhyming couplets
                1. Show there power and also make their tone different to the audience so fear is felt.
            3. Play
              1. Content
                1. The witches are evil since they mess with natural order. They have to correct this and in turn manipulate Macbeth to restore natural order.
                2. link to deaht
                  1. Shows that the witches are evil
                    1. They mention shipwrecking a sailor.
                    2. Banquo's ghost
                      1. Potentially manipulates Macbeth in having to seek the witches out who betray him.
                        1. Irony and karma.
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