Simon's Cousin and Best Friend


Mind Map on Simon's Cousin and Best Friend, created by DKM on 28/08/2013.
Mind Map by DKM, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by DKM about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Simon's Cousin and Best Friend
  1. Know that the King will not live much longer and that power will transfer to his brother, Bernard
    1. Want to gain control of the Carmenea for Bernard's wife's family. Bernard's wife is deceased.
      1. Plan to poisoning Bernard but are unsuccessful in killing him, but weaken him physically
        1. Assassinate Prince SImon
          1. Made it look as if all 3 of them had been attacked
            1. Ryndall's arrow helps make their case
              1. King Bernard has a stroke upon hearing of Simon's death and cannot speak well
                1. Cousin becomes regent ruling the Kingdom until Prince Jon comes of age
                  1. Prince Jon finds crossbow and witnesses how his father is treated. Knows that cousin and friend are evil
                    1. Finds Simon's body in cave and can tell that someone tried to help him
                      1. Lets his father know that he does not believe Bedford killed Simon and that cousin and friend must have lied about Simon being dead when they left him
                        1. King Bedford manages to sign and seal letter (written by Jon) of absolution for Bedford and Ryndall before he dies
                          1. Enter text here
            2. Dress him in inferior leathers prior to ride
              1. Shoot him with a crossbow, something previously not seen in Carmenea
                1. When they see Ryndall's arrow, they switch his for their's
                  1. Never realize that they only paralyzed Simon
            3. Convey to counselors that Bernard is in no shape to protect Carmenea from threats within and without
              1. Gradually try to usurp more and more power
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