Quadratics Concept Map


Ishita Sharma
isha sharma
Mind Map by isha sharma, updated more than 1 year ago
isha sharma
Created by isha sharma about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Quadratics Concept Map
  1. a curve used to represent a quadratic equation
    1. definition
      1. Parabola
        1. vertex
          1. the point where the axis of symmetry and the parabola meet, also the point where the parabola is at its maximum or minimum
          2. axis of symmetry
            1. divides the parabola into 2 equal halves
              1. the 'x' value of the vertex
              2. the sum of the two roots divided by 2
              3. y- intercept
                1. where the parabola crosses the y-axis
                2. optimal value (maximum or minimum)
                  1. 'y' value of the vertex
                  2. direction of opening
                    1. determines whether the parabola faces upward or downwards
                      1. determined when 'a' value is either a negative or positive number
                    2. x- intercepts
                      1. points of the parabola that touch the x- axis
                        1. also called zeroes or roots
                          1. can be 1, 2 or no x-intercepts
                3. Forms of Quadratic Equations
                  1. Factored Form
                    1. equation
                      1. y= (x-r)(x-s)
                        1. r &s re[resent x-intercepts
                          1. a represents direction of opening & vertical stretch or compression factor
                            1. example- y=2(x+5)(x-3)
                              1. opening: up stretch: a factor of 2
                                1. x-intercepts: x= -5 & x=1
                          2. Standard Form
                            1. equation
                              1. y= ax²+bx+c
                                1. formula for Axis of Symmetry
                                  1. x= -b/2a
                                  2. "c" value is the y-intercept
                              2. Vertex Form
                                1. equation
                                  1. y= a(x-h)²+k
                                    1. Vertex (h,k)
                                      1. h= x value of the vertex and axis of symmetry
                                        1. h value is always the oppoiste
                                          1. "h" represents a horizontal shift
                                          2. k= y value of the vertex
                                            1. "k" represents a vertical shift
                                          3. example- y=2 (x+3)²-8
                                            1. opening: up stretch: factor of 2
                                              1. vertex: (-3,8)
                                        2. Transformations
                                          1. Vertex Form
                                            1. → If 'k' is positive a number, the graph shifts upwards → If 'k' is a negative number, the graph shifts downwards → If 'h' is a positive number, the graph shifts left → If 'h' is a negative number, the graph shifts right
                                            2. Standard Form
                                              1. → If a>0 it is a vertical stretch → If 0<a>1 it is a vertical compression
                                          2. Finite Differences
                                            1. table of values
                                              1. First Differences
                                                1. If First Differences are constant, there is a linear relation
                                                2. Second Differences
                                                  1. If Second Differences are constant, there is a queadratic relation
                                              2. Expanding
                                                1. FOIL method
                                                  1. First Outside Inside Last
                                                    1. (x+3)(x+2) =x²+2x+3x+6 =x²+5x+6
                                                    2. Expanding Binomials
                                                      1. (a+b)(c+d) =ac+ad+bc+bd ex.(x+4)(x-3) =x²-3x+4x-12 =x²+x-12
                                                      2. Distributive Property
                                                        1. a(b+c) =ab+ac ex.2(x+4) =2x+8
                                                        2. Perfect Square Trinomials
                                                          1. ( x+ a)²= (x+a)(x+a) (x-a)²= (x-a)(x-a) When the Binomial is square, to expand you must multiply the binomial by iself
                                                            1. (x+5)² =(x+5) (x+5) =x² +10x+25
                                                          2. Difference of Squares
                                                            1. (x+a)(x-a) =x²-a²
                                                              1. (x+5)(x-5)
                                                        3. Solving Quadratic Equations
                                                          1. Method 1: Factoring
                                                            1. Simple Factoring
                                                              1. finding two numbers that add up to your 'b' value & multiply to give your 'c' value
                                                                1. x²+5x+6 = (x+3)(x+2) 3+2=5 3x2= 6
                                                              2. Common Factoring
                                                                1. Factor out GCF
                                                                  1. 6m+15 → Find numbers that multiply into both 6 and 15 →1 and 3 →Find the greatest common factor; which is 3 →Write factored form so that when you expand you get the original expression =3(2m+5) →3x2m= 6m and 3x5= 15
                                                                2. Complex Factoring
                                                                  1. finding 2 numbers that add up to the 'b' value and multiple to (a)(c) →2x²+9x+4 (4x2=8) →Find two numbers that add up to 9, and when multiplied give 8 →1x8=8 1+8=9 →rewrite expression, but replace 9x with the two numbers →2x²+8x+1x+4 →factor by grouping
                                                                    1. Factor by Grouping
                                                                      1. 2x²+8x+1x+4 →put brackets around two terms and factor =(2x²+8x)(+1x+4) =2x(x+4)+1(x+4)
                                                                3. Method 2: Quadratic Formula
                                                                  1. Use this method when the equation is not factorbale
                                                                    1. discriminant
                                                                      1. x=b²-4ac
                                                                        1. →when d=0, there will be 1 solution →when d>0, there will be 2 solutions →when d<0, there are 0 solutions
                                                                    2. Method 3: Completing the Square
                                                                      1. used when converting from standard form to vertex form
                                                                        1. y=2x²+8x+6 y=(2x²+8x)+6 y=2(x²+4x)+6 y=2[x²+(4/2)²x]+6 y=2(x²+4x+4-4)6 y=2(x²+4x+4)-8+6 y=2(√ x²+4x+√ 4)-8+6 y=2(x+2)²-2
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