

What you need to know about record keeping
Mind Map by 08shunt.gemma, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 08shunt.gemma almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

  1. Good Practice
    1. Leave records locked away
      1. Check record is correct once a year
        1. Destroy out of date records
          1. Be prepared to show parents information held
            1. Only record fact
              1. Only hold essential info
              2. Records within unit
                1. Unit members' records
                  1. Kept in compliance with DPA
                    1. Up-to-date
                      1. Destroy old records
                      2. Attendance records
                        1. Point of safety
                          1. Alert in pattern changes
                          2. Programme plans and notes
                            1. Weekly Record
                              1. Running order
                                1. 5 Essentials
                                2. Unit accounts
                                3. What should I keep and how long
                                  1. Data Protection
                                    1. Fairly
                                      1. Lawfully
                                        1. Accurate
                                          1. Up-to-date
                                            1. Secure
                                            2. Budgets
                                              1. Unit Running Costs
                                                1. Materials
                                                  1. Books
                                                    1. Badges
                                                      1. Training fees
                                                        1. Annual Subscription
                                                          1. New resources
                                                          2. Meeting Expenses
                                                            1. Rent of premises
                                                              1. Utilities
                                                                1. Insurance
                                                                2. General Expenses
                                                                  1. Postage
                                                                    1. Telephone
                                                                      1. Stationary
                                                                        1. Transport costs
                                                                      2. Handling Money
                                                                        1. Bank ASAP
                                                                          1. Keep funds separate from own money
                                                                            1. Keep in safe place
                                                                              1. Up-to-date
                                                                                1. Secure
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