My Last Duchess


Mind Map on My Last Duchess, created by 09BHampshire on 01/01/2015.
Mind Map by 09BHampshire, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by 09BHampshire about 10 years ago

Resource summary

My Last Duchess
  1. duke points portrait of duchess out to visitor
    1. duke says her expression was for everyone, not just him, he's annoyed
      1. he stoped duchess flirting, but doesn't say how
        1. the duke&visitor walk away&duke is marrying again
    2. FORM
      1. dramatic monologue
        1. speaking to you-powerful
        2. iambic pentameter
          1. natural
          2. enjambement
            1. natural
            2. caesura
              1. natural
              2. rhyming couplets, - educated
                1. steady, regular, stately
              3. STRUCTURE
                1. combination of things he mentions
                  1. duchess' behaviour
                    1. proud family history
                      1. reaction
                        1. make him sound unstable
                      2. DRAMATIC IRONY
                        1. what duke says is innocent but have sinister meanings - ambiguous
                        2. POWER
                          1. he felt the need to have control and power over duchess
                            1. he saw her as a possession
                            2. STATUS
                              1. really important to duke - he cares about it
                              2. FEELINGS & ATTITUDES
                                1. Pride
                                  1. possessions//status
                                  2. Jealousy
                                    1. he hated how duchess flirted with other men
                                    2. Power
                                      1. enjoys having the control over painting unlike the actual duchess
                                    3. duke and duchess have different opinions
                                      1. 'such stuff/was courtesy, she thought , and cause enough/for calling up that spot of joy
                                        1. duchess:thinks she's polite
                                          1. duke: think she's unfriendly.inappropiate
                                        2. duke's anger
                                          1. 'her looks went everywhere'
                                            1. duke wanted to be the only one
                                              1. duchess was nosy
                                              2. duke confronting duchess
                                                1. 34-43
                                                  1. he'd lower his status
                                                    1. 'who'd stoop to blame'
                                                      1. he'd appear jealous: weakens him
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