Geological of Malay Basin


Mind Map on Geological of Malay Basin, created by Nini Faiza on 17/07/2019.
Nini Faiza
Mind Map by Nini Faiza, updated more than 1 year ago
Nini Faiza
Created by Nini Faiza over 5 years ago

Resource summary

Geological of Malay Basin
  1. Tectonic evolution
    1. 1. Form from dextral shear deformation caused by the indentation of India into Eurasia in the early Tertiary.
      1. 2. Pre-existing basement inhomogeneities exerted a strong control on basin development.
        1. 3. Developed as isolated grabens and half-grabens at basement fault intersections.
          1. 4. The major structures that played important role.
            1. low-angle listric normal faults
              1. pull-apart rhomb grabens
                1. flower structures
                  1. crustal extension
                    1. strike-slip tectonics
                    2. 5. Developed by transtension of NW-trending sinistral shear zone
                      1. Fault-bounded blocks rotate producing a series of E-trending half-graben depocentres.
                      2. 6. Subjected to transpressive inversion during the middle-late Miocene
                        1. Rotation of the regional stress field occurred
                        2. 6. Uplift of the basin flanks preceeded subsidence during the rifting
                          1. Non-uniform stretching and lateral heat flow from the centre of the basin produced.
                          2. 7. Undercompensated isostatically and characterised by low negative free-air gravity anomaly.
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