Artificial insemination and surrogacy


IB RS Mind Map on Artificial insemination and surrogacy, created by Eleanor Matthewman on 02/09/2013.
Eleanor Matthewman
Mind Map by Eleanor Matthewman, updated more than 1 year ago
Eleanor Matthewman
Created by Eleanor Matthewman about 11 years ago

Resource summary

Artificial insemination and surrogacy
  1. Key Words
    1. Artificial insemination (AI)- sperm medically inserted into the vagina to assist pregnancy
      1. Artificial insemination by husband (AIH)- a woman inseminated herself with her husband's sperm
        1. Artificial insemination by donor (AID)- a woman inseminated herself with a donor's sperm
        2. Straight surrogacy- where a surrogate uses her own eggs to produce a baby for a couple
          1. Host surrogacy- where a couple give their genetic material, which is them mixed using IVF and implanted into a surrogate
            1. In vitro fertilisation- when an egg and sperm are mixed in a test tube and them implanted into a woman
              1. "Be fruitful and multiply"
                1. "the two become one flesh"
                  1. "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you"
                    1. "I give life and I take it away"
                      1. "All life is sacred"
                      2. Christian Views
                        1. Most agree with AIH
                          1. CoE- aggres with AID as it is a positive affirmation of the family
                            1. RC- disagrees with AID because the marriage is affected and it is known as 'mechanical adultery'
                            2. "IVF is wrong as millions of fertilised, viable eggs are thrown down the drain"
                              1. agree- potential life
                                1. agree- children are a gift of god. infertility is god's wish
                                  1. agree-children need adopting
                                    1. disagree- couples should have the right to try for children
                                      1. disagree- infertility is like an illness and should be treated as such
                                        1. God said "Be fruitful and multiply"
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