Bexley waste management.


case study for waste management.
Mind Map by rue9497, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by rue9497 almost 10 years ago

Resource summary

Bexley waste management.
  1. London produces over 20 million tonnes of waste a year.
    1. part of this goes to landfill.
      1. 40% of all UK emissions come from landfill sites.
    2. Bexley is one of 32 London boroughs, situated in southeast London.
      1. it covers over 60km2
        1. one of the greenest boroughs in London.
          1. there is a wide demographic mix of people and housing in Bexley.
            1. but most is suburban.
            2. for Greater London, Bexley has the highest rates of recycling at over 40%
            3. recycling at a local scale.
              1. for the last 7 years Bexley has been the top council for recycling.
                1. due to a highly successful waste management scheme.
                2. it recycles, composts and reuses more than 50% of the 98,000 tonnes of waste produced.
                  1. this is significantly above the governments targets in waste strategy 2000, which aims for 33% of waste to be recycled.
                  2. why is it successful?
                    1. Bexley has 58 mini recycling centres.
                      1. 2 large reuse and recycling centres
                        1. and smaller paper recycling banks at eight local train stations.
                          1. these are free of charge to local residents who display a permit.
                          2. how is it carried out?
                            1. a huge number of items can be recycled, and these are listed on the council's website.
                              1. Bexley operates an alternate week domestic waste collection scheme
                                1. but unlike most councils, it collects recycling and food waste every week, to make it easier to recycle and use compostable waster from houses.
                                2. there are multiple bins so residents have enough space to recycle all the waste they can.
                                3. promoting recycling.
                                  1. one of the main ways is the School Waste Action Club (SWAC)
                                    1. it began in 2000.
                                      1. it focuses on educating primary and secondary students about the three Rs, through free curriculum based activities.
                                      2. the two education officers have visited 96% of the schools, and create a specific plan for each school, depending on the amount of waste they create.
                                        1. Bexley hosted an Environmental challenge award, where the winner recieved £1000.
                                          1. it has recently introduced the 'green points' scheme, which encourages people living in flats to increase their recycling rates.
                                            1. it was introduced in October 2011 for 2,000 flats.
                                              1. the more they recycle the more points they get- these can be used to donate money to charity or for discount vouchers.
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