Quantum physics


A map of quantum physics stuff
Chelsea Murray
Mind Map by Chelsea Murray, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Created by hmccain about 9 years ago
Chelsea Murray
Copied by Chelsea Murray about 5 years ago

Resource summary

Quantum physics
  1. Amplitudes
    1. Complex #'s
      1. Born Rule
        1. Born Rule: Probability of event = |psi|^2
        2. IFM
          1. FMI: interaction free measurement
          2. Follows from max possible knowledge of system
          3. Uncertainty
            1. Heisenberg
              1. Planck's length (h)
                1. E= ~hw, p=~hk; ~h = h/2pi dx*dp \> h
                  1. Trans: If you pinpoint the position of a specific particle, then you won't be able to precisely measure its momentum. And if you precisely measure a particles momentum, then you cannot know its exact position
                    1. Also, if we try to measure the momentum of the wave, this uncertainty shows up with how accurately we can measure it - classical mechanics fails at this point.
                  2. Feynman quote
                    1. "Yes! physics has given up. We do not know how to predict what would happen in a given circumstance, and we believe now that it is impossible - that the only thing that can be predicted is the probability of different events.
                    2. Universe in very real sense, unknowable
                    3. Wave Particle duality
                      1. Waves
                        1. Wave eqation
                          1. Schroedinger Equations
                            1. Operators
                              1. hermitian
                                1. A linear vector operator
                                2. Hilbert Space
                                  1. Complex-valued linear vector space; complete space w/ an inner product
                                    1. inner product: generalised dot product
                                  2. a mapping between vectors; a vector function
                            2. Particles
                              1. individual particles unpredictable; lots of them follow statistical/probabilistic laws
                              2. Feynman quote
                                1. exhibits different behaviour at different frequencies
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