The Neolithic Period (New Stone Age)


High School Certificate History Mind Map on The Neolithic Period (New Stone Age), created by karinaobrien168 on 03/09/2013.
Mind Map by karinaobrien168, updated more than 1 year ago
Created by karinaobrien168 about 11 years ago

Resource summary

The Neolithic Period (New Stone Age)
  1. Neolithic houses were usually rectangular shape. The walls were built of upright timber planks or else of wattle and daub. The roof was thatched with straw from wheat and barley or with reeds from a river.
    1. Houses
    2. work and food
      1. Irelands first farmers tilled the lands with mattocks ( a tool used for breaking up hard ground ) or with wooden ploughs. They grew wheat and barley, where were used to make bread and porridge. The grain was ground on a saddle-stone.
        1. Apart from the grain, the people also got food from their animals, for example when pigs were killed, in the winter. they also fished, hunted and gathered berried and hazelnuts.
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