CISA Exam 2016 Domains


Overview of new (2016) CISA exam syllabus
Sandip Thorat
Mind Map by Sandip Thorat, updated more than 1 year ago More Less
Dylan Somers
Created by Dylan Somers over 8 years ago
Sandip Thorat
Copied by Sandip Thorat over 5 years ago

Resource summary

CISA Exam 2016 Domains
  1. 1.The process of auditing information systems
    1. 21%
    2. 2.Governance and management of IT
      1. 16%
      2. 3. Information systems acquisition, development, and implementation
        1. 18%
        2. 4. Information systems operations, maintenance and support
          1. 20%
          2. 5. Protection of information assets
            1. 25%
            2. 150 Questions, 4 hours
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              Orbital Mechanics
              Luke Hansford
              Module 1: Introduction to Engineering Materials
              Kyan Clay
              Software Processes
              Nurul Aiman Abdu
              AOCS - Attitude and orbit control systems
              Luke Hansford
              Ordinary Differential Equations
              audio electronics
              Lillian Mehler
              Building Structures
              Niat Habtemariam
              communication system
              Lillian Mehler
              Advanced Propulsion
              Luke Hansford