Work at Height


Element 1 Page 5
Yasir Kayani
Mind Map by Yasir Kayani, updated more than 1 year ago
Yasir Kayani
Created by Yasir Kayani about 10 years ago

Resource summary

Work at Height
  1. work at height heirarchy
    1. avoid work at height
      1. prevent falls
        1. minimise distance/consequence
        2. all working platforms must be inspected by a competent person
          1. after installation or assembly
            1. after any event likely to have affected its integrity e.g. winds or alteration
              1. at regular intervals if below 2m or at intervals not exceeding 7 days if 2m or more
              2. ladders
                1. strong enough for intended job
                  1. checked before use
                    1. do not use painted ladders
                      1. ensure ladders are industrial, not domestic
                        1. used on firm stable base
                          1. tied or stabilised
                            1. angle "one out of every four up"
                              1. not overloaded - check safe working load
                                1. not used over overhead lines
                                  1. no over reaching
                                    1. 3 points of contact at all times
                                      1. carry tools on tool belt
                                        1. don't use top step of stepladders
                                          1. ensure stepladders are fully opened and locked
                                          2. scaffolds
                                            1. designed, erected, altered and dismantled only by competent people
                                              1. based on firm, level foundation
                                                1. voids, basements and drains avoided
                                                  1. suitably braced and tied to a building
                                                    1. platforms should be fully boarded and wide enough for work
                                                      1. boards should be properly supported and not overhang excessively
                                                        1. provide safe access onto platforms e.g. fixed ladder
                                                          1. loading bays should be fitted with fall protection, preferably gates
                                                          2. tower scaffolds
                                                            1. hazards - overturn/collapse, overloading, falls, falling objects, overhead power lines
                                                              1. manufacturers instructions should be followed when erecting/using towers - e.g. base/height ratio, loading, etc
                                                                1. towers should only be erected by competent people (e.g. PASMA trained)
                                                                  1. access ladders should be on inside of the tower
                                                                    1. positioned away from OH lines and to avoid reaching
                                                                      1. never move with people on tower
                                                                      2. mobile elevated work platfors
                                                                        1. hazards: overturn/collapse, overloading, falls/falling objects, overhead power lines, mechanical failure, trapping, collision
                                                                          1. operators should be fit, competent and trained
                                                                            1. work restraint/fall arrest systems may be needed
                                                                              1. should be inspected and maintained in line with manufacturers instructions
                                                                                1. daily checks should be carried out by operators
                                                                                2. falling objects control measures
                                                                                  1. brick guards
                                                                                    1. netting or sheeting
                                                                                      1. hard hats
                                                                                        1. safe method for getting tools/materials to work platform e.g. hoist
                                                                                          1. safe removal of waste e.g. waste chute into covered skip
                                                                                            1. catch fans
                                                                                              1. covered walkways
                                                                                                1. signs/barriers
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